Dog Licenses are valid from January 1 to December 31 each year.
To avoid an additional $5.00 late fee per dog, be sure to get your dog license(s) on or before the April Election deadline!
RABIES VACCINATION AND DOG LICENSE REQUIREMENTS …. Pursuant to Section 174.052, Wisconsin Statutes, notice is hereby given to all owners of dogs in Door County that rabies vaccinations and dog licenses are required under the statutes. Vaccination by a veterinarian against rabies of all dogs is required (Sec. 95.21) within 30 days after the dog reaches 4 months of age, and re-vaccinated before the certificate expires or within three years of the previous vaccination. Notice is hereby further given that evidence that the dog is currently immunized against rabies must be presented before a license can be issued. To qualify for the minimum license fee for neutered males or spayed females, presentation of evidence attesting to same must be presented when applying for the license.
PENALTIES: A minimum late fee of $5.00 shall be assessed the owner of each dog 5 months of age or over who fails to obtain a dog license by the April Spring Election Day, or within 30 days of acquiring ownership on or before the dog reached licensable age. The minimum late fee may be raised by municipal action. Any owner who fails to have a dog vaccinated against rabies as required by statute may be required to forfeit not less than $50 nor more than $100. Contact your Village Treasurer, Donna Henderson (920-493-8196) to license your dog(s).