POLLING LOCATION & HOURS: Village of Forestville residents vote at the Forestville Village Hall (Library) located at 123 S. Forestville Avenue (Hwy. 42) in Forestville, Wisconsin, beginning at 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.
PHOTO ID: Wisconsin residents are required to show proof of identification at the polls. In most cases, this will be a Wisconsin driver’s license or Wisconsin issued identification card. Photo ID requirements are different than proof of residence requirements. Your driver’s license may not have your current address, but it will have your name and photo ID–that is sufficient for Photo ID. The Wisconsin Division of Motor Vehicles has a process to allow people to obtain a free State ID card for voting purposes, even if the person does not have a birth certificate.
TO REGISTER: Please contact the Village Clerk , Tiffany Dufek, [email protected] or call 920-536-3181 to register. If you are a U.S. citizen, over the age of 18 and have been a Village of Forestville resident for at least 10 days, you are eligible to register with appropriate proof of residence. New residents can register on Election Day. You can save time and avoid confusion by registering ahead of time by mail or in person at the clerk’s office. Be sure to bring proof of residency when you register.
ABSENTEE BALLOTS If you need an absentee ballot, please contact the Village Clerk, Tiffany Dufek, at 920-536-3181. There are several ways to request and vote absentee:
Registered voters can request an absentee ballot at Click on “Vote Absentee”. Regular absentee voters are required to provide a copy of acceptable photo ID before being sent a ballot. The Village Clerk will receive the absentee ballot request directly from
Absentee In Person Voting. You may vote absentee in person at the Clerk’s office beginning the second Monday prior to election day and ending on the Friday before Election Day from 4 to 7 PM by appointment (920-536-3181).
By mail. Send your signed request to the Village of Forestville Clerk, Tiffany Dufek, PO Box 6, Forestville, WI 54213-0006. A ballot will be mailed to the address you specify.
By email. Email your request to [email protected] and a ballot will be mailed to the address you specify.
You can use the form “Wisconsin Application for Absentee Ballot”. NOTE: only military and permanent overseas voters are allowed to receive ballots by email, all other absentee ballots will be mailed or voted in person at the Clerk’s office.
Indefinitely Confined (due to age, disability, etc.). You are eligible to receive ballots by mail for every election if you are confined. Complete a “Wisconsin Application for Absentee Ballot”. In Section 6, darken the 3rd circle for every election, sign, date and return to the Village office.
Please take notice that outstanding absentee ballots and provisional ballots for all elections shall be posted to this website after the close of polls (8:00 p.m.) on election nights.

For full information about voting in Wisconsin, visit the MyVote Wisconsin website